Landels Latest 9.14.22

Important Dates to Remember 

Sept 15           Newcomer Dinner, 5:30pm-6:30pm

 Sept 29           Principal’s Coffee, 8:30am

Sept 29          Family Science Night (register in advance), 5:30pm-6:30pm

 Oct 3-7          Book Fair

 Oct 7              Community Check-In, 3:30pm-4:30pm Zoom

 Oct 11           Picture Day

Oct 12           PTA Meeting 6:00pm Staff Room            

 Oct 13           Teacher Service Day – No School

 Oct 14           Recess Day – No School               

Oct 28           Walkathon

ROAR Recognitions

Chisako T. - Room 4

Dhara M. - Room 14

Esa S. - Room 8

Evan Y. Room 2

Hannah S. - Room 6

Joel G. - Room 9

Joseph F - Room 18

Joshua H. - Room 8

Kaiden K. - Room 11

Lucy M. - Room 6

Marie V. - Room 4

Milagros A. - Room 11

Nalini B. - Room 14

Qone L. - Room 11

Salma A. - Room 17

Sidharth N. - Room 3

Tobi C. - Room 17

Trisha M. - Room 4

Victoria M. - Room 5

Yuhi Y. - Room 5

Landels News 

Dear Landels Families,

Over the past few weeks, our staff and Site Council have been reviewing Landels’ data to measure the effectiveness of our programs and to draft our Site Plan for the upcoming school year. There was a lot to celebrate and also opportunities for improvement. I’m excited to continue on this journey and to work with staff and the community to build the best Landels for our students. Here are the slides that were presented to the Site Council. 

Family Science Night Reminder

We will be holding our annual family science night on September 29th from 5:30pm-6:30pm. We will have a taco truck selling food starting at 5pm. Please complete this survey if you would like your family to participate. Each family will receive 1 science kit. We only have 130 science kits so participation will be limited to the first 130 respondents. Hope to see you there!

All the Feels!

Between meeting new teachers, adjusting to a new grade level, and learning new routines, many students can feel a range of feelings as the school year gets underway. Sometimes kids (and adults) can feel all the feels at once!

This month, schools across MVWSD are calling attention to resources for students feeling All The Feels, as well as resources for parents and school staff. 

A great space for mental health resources is MVWSD’s Virtual Wellness Center, which you can find at

Construction Update

All light pole and bollard bases have been poured and underground utilities installed. Due to supply chain issues, light posts and bollards are scheduled to arrive in mid October and will be installed upon arrival.

Camera mounts have been installed and electrical conduit installation is ongoing after hours. System anticipated to be operational in October 2022.

Click here to see a complete list of current construction projects at Landels.

Thank you for your continued support!

Pieter Dolmans

Succulents (Grades K-5, max 10 students)

Friday, Sep 23, 3:00-4:00pm, Room 24
Learn about succulents — how to pot rootless succulent in soil and how to propagate succulent leaves and stems.

- Sign-ups open


Volleyball (Grades 3-5, max 12 students)

Mondays, Sep 26 and Oct 3, 3:00-4:00pm, Landels Field

Learn the primary skills needed to feel comfortable on and around a volleyball court such as forearm passing, setting, spiking, and overhand serving.

- Sign-ups open


Ultimate Frisbee (Grades 1-3, max 10 students)

Friday, Sep 16, 3:00-4:00pm, Landels Field

Grades 1-3, max 10

Ultimate is an exciting, dynamic sport that is growing rapidly. Come learn game basics such as throwing/catching, cutting, and defense!

- Sign-ups are open


Tongue Twisters (Grades K-5, max 20 students)

Tuesday, Sep 20, 3:00-4:00pm, Room 13

Test your talents by trying to tackle tough tongue twisters!

The Landels Enrichment Activities Program (LEAP) is a collection of after-school enrichment classes taught by volunteers (e.g., parents, teachers, high-school/college students).  For additional information, please contact Tushar Moorti at [email protected]


Attendance Awareness Month: September

Why is it important that students are in school regularly? Research shows that school attendance is a strong indicator of success. Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves. Start building this habit early so they learn that going to school on time, every day, is important. Regular school attendance is required by state law. State law requires MVWSD to notify parents whose students are truant or chronically absent. The state, county, and district are monitoring attendance, both excused and unexcused absences because the goal is for healthy students to be in school as often as possible. Our schools’ goals are a 97% attendance rate.


Now hiring: Interpreters and Translators

Are you bilingual/biliterate and looking for a way to support our families and students? MVWSD is hiring support staff to serve as interpreters and translators for multiple languages, including Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, and others. Apply now at


Family Health and Wellness Fair: Sept 24 

There will be a free Family Health and Wellness Fair hosted by Assemblymember Marc Berman and in partnership with El Camino Health and MVWSD on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Mariano Castro Elementary School (500 Toft St). 

 Come for free screenings and vaccines, free school supplies, backpacks, kid’s masks, diapers, period products, bike repair and healthy snacks.


*  Kids’ health screenings: dental, vision, heart, mental health, and nutrition screenings

* Free school supplies and backpacks

* Healthy snacks

* Fun activities for kids

* COVID-19 vaccines and boosters

* Hands-on science with NASA

* COVID-19 test kits

* Fire and garbage trucks up close

* Art projects

* Bike raffle and repair 

* Casework services

 For more information, please call (650) 324-0224 or visit http://ASMDC.ORG/CP-FHWF.

 MVWSD Seeks Parents & Staff Members for Health and Wellness Committee

MVWSD is seeking parents and staff to lend their perspective and expertise to benefit students by serving on the Health and Wellness Committee. 

 The Health and Wellness Committee aligns District efforts to support student wellness through health education, physical education and activity, health services, nutrition services, psychological and counseling services, and a safe and healthy school environment. 

 Interested applicants should have experience, knowledge, or interest in the topics described above. In addition to last year’s members, we are seeking at least 1 parent and 1 certificated staff member per school and 3 representatives from community-based organizations. The committee may include up to 30 participants. 

 The time commitment is approximately four meetings during the school year, beginning in October. Meetings will take place on Zoom. 

 Applications are due by Friday, September 16, and may be found at this link: Please direct any questions to Brian White, Coordinator for Health and Wellness.

Why does MVWSD rely on MVEF donations for supplemental funding?

This year, MVEF funding is reducing English Language Arts middle school class sizes; providing art, music, and life science enrichment; and more! Why does MVWSD rely on MVEF for this? MVWSD is “community funded” (also known as “basic aid district”), which means that budget growth relies almost entirely on increased assessed value of the property tax base within the district. California’s Prop 13 limits the growth in assessed property values, which effectively throttles budget growth that could fund supplemental public education programs. However, MVWSD works closely with MVEF so that additional enrichment is still possible for our students. To learn more, click here. To make a donation, click here.


Searching for Volunteers to Serve City of MV Community

Recruitment is open for upcoming vacancies on several City board, commissions and committees that weigh in on a wide range of matters. If you have an interest or background in the City’s downtown interests, environmental planning process, library, parks and recreation, performing arts, inclusive community relations or bike and pedestrian concerns, we welcome you to apply to serve on one of these bodies. Find more information and the application form at Questions can be directed to the City Clerk’s Office at [email protected] or 650-903-6304. The deadline to apply is Sept. 29 at 5 p.m.


Elevate MV: Guaranteed Basic Income Pilot Program

Applications open September 16th for the Mountain View Elevate MV pilot program, which will give direct cash payments of $500 per month to 166 randomly selected eligible extremely low income Mountain View residents. The pilot program sets itself apart from other direct relief programs by providing unrestricted financial assistance to the most vulnerable in our community. This pilot program will be a part of a national research study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Center for Guaranteed Income Research. For eligibility requirements and details about the program, including how to receive assistance with the application, click here.

PTA News

It’s time for the Landels PTA Membership Challenge. We need you - parents, teachers, staff, friends, and families - to join the Landels PTA! See flyers for details.

The 3 classrooms with the highest percentages of members will win:
1st place: Scholastic Dollars to spend at the Book Fair AND a popsicle party
2nd place: Scholastic Dollars to spend at the Book Fair

3rd place: Popsicle party

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