Landels Latest 5.15.24

Important Dates to Remember

May 20          Principal’s Coffee and ELAC Meeting – 8:15am Staff Room

May 20          School Site Council – 3:15pm - Zoom

May 20          5th Grade Graham Middle School Visit

May 21          Kinder-4th Grade CSMA Music Concerts

May 22          5th Grade Living History - 8:15am MUR

May 23          5th Grade Breakfast - 8:15am MUR

May 23          Bookmobile - 11:45am-1pm

May 24          Last Day of 3rd Trimester - Minimum Day

May 27          Memorial Day - No School

May 28           2nd grade Carnival- 12:30-2:50pm

May 28           5th grade picnic – Whisman Park  

May 29          Field Day 8:15am-10am

May 30           Kinder Celebration – 8:30am

May 30          5th Grade Promotion and Clap Out - 10:45am - 12:10pm MUR

May 31          Last Day of School – Minimum Day

May 31         Report Cards sent home electronically
Aug 13         First Day of 24-25 School Year - Minimum Day 

Roar Recognitions

Aden H. - Room 9

Alana R. – Room 11

Augustus Z. – Room 18

Emily H. – Room 4

Gael Z. – Room 8

Incisu U. – Room 10

Johnwayne. – Room 7

Jonathan N. – Room 1

Lucas J. – Room 12

Mathew I. – Room 17

Mia S. – Room 6

Rishen S. – Room 5

Sebastian M. – Room 2

Sebastian B. – Room 13

Ximena W. – Room 16

Landels News

Dear Landels Families,

We will have our last principal’s coffee and ELAC meeting on Monday, 5/20 @ 8:30am in the office. I will present information on the new ELA curriculum, iReady diagnostic 3 data, and end-of-year events. I hope to see you there!

K-4 Music Concerts on 5/21

Our students are excited to perform for you! As a culmination of their weekly music lessons provided by Community School of Music and Art (CSMA), students will hold short concerts next Tuesday. Plan ahead! In order to view these performances, visitors will need to sign in the office with their picture IDs.

2nd - 8:30-8:40

1st - 9-9:10

Kinder - 9:30-9:40

3rd - 10:30-10:40

4th - 11-11:10

School Site Council (SSC)

We need your help! We are still looking for 3 volunteers to be part of next year’s School Site Council. The time commitment involves approximately six 1-hour meetings during the school year at an agreed upon day and time. The term for the newly elected members will begin the first meeting of the next school year (late August or early September). If you are interested in running to be a member of our SSC, please complete this Self-Nomination Google Form by Friday, May 24th. More information about SSC can be found here

Turning in this Year’s Volunteer Badges; and How to Apply to be a Regular Volunteer Next Year

Parents, we are so grateful for your volunteering this year! It has been a great year, and we are looking forward to next year already. But first …

·       Please turn in your volunteer badges to the front office between now and the end of the school year. This year’s badge will not work for next year.

For all of the details and documentation requirements to get yourself set up as a frequent volunteer for the 2024-25 school year, please see MVWSD will begin accepting volunteer applications for 2024-25 on August 1. Please look for an email this summer with more details about training and applying to volunteer next year.

Math Olympiad

We are excited to announce that our Landels Math Olympiad team achieved a Top 50% overall ranking globally, with over 50,000 students participating worldwide. Fourteen of our talented 4th and 5th grade Lions competed, with three students placing in the top 10% worldwide: Cooper L, Maddie H, and Naoto H. Additionally, nine of our students ranked in the top 40%.

Congratulations to all of our students Ahrom A, Aiden R, Aisling O, Carissa R, Cooper L, Liam M, Lilian B, Maddie H, Naoto H, Pasha M, Rose K, Ruby M, Tobi C, Trinay K, and a special thank you to our dedicated Math Olympiad team: Dean Chu, Yasemin Han, and Phil Ly. As we look ahead to next year, we are seeking enthusiastic volunteers to continue the program and help guide/support our students. This year’s parent volunteers are all graduating. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact [email protected].

Thank you,

Pieter Dolmans

Office Reminders

* Medicine– If your child has medicine in the nurse’s office, please make sure to pick it up from the office before school is out.

Lost & Found – Is your child missing a sweater/jacket, lunch box, water bottle or umbrella? Our lost and found cart is overflowing with many items. Please take a moment after school or on the weekend to check out the lost & found cart located beside Room 6. Any leftover items will be donated 5.31.24.


The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, May 16 at 6:00 p.m.

Some of the topics include:

·       PK/TK and K-5 English Language Arts Curriculum Adoption Recommendations   

·       Strategic Plan 2027 Update  

·       Appointment Process for a new Board Member       

·       Measure T Construction Priority 2 Project List

·       Developing Communication Opportunities With Trustees

For meeting details and agenda, please click here:

i-Ready Diagnostic 3 Assessments and Student Reports

Your child will take the end of year i-Ready Math and Reading diagnostic assessments during the week of May 13th, 2024. Parents can access their children’s i-Ready Reading and Mathematics score via their Powerschool Parent Portal starting at 4 pm on May 31. Parents will have access to three reports for their child - For Families Report, Common Core State Standards Report (CCSS), and the Diagnostic Growth Report. Steps to access your child's i-Ready Reports on Powerschool are linked here. To learn more about how to read the reports, please click here. Please contact your child’s school office if you have any trouble accessing reports. 

Mental Health Month

Here are 5 things you can do for your #mentalhealth this week:

1. Make a list of 5 things you’re grateful for today.

2. Practice positive affirmations.

3. Start a conversation about mental health.

4. Stay hydrated!

5. Take a break from screens.

#MentalHealthMonth #WhereToStart

The National Institutes of Health offers ideas and resources for whole-self wellness:

Better Together: May

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, a time dedicated to recognizing the rich history, cultural diversity, and significant contributions of the Asian American Pacific Islander community to our society. It's an opportunity to celebrate the many achievements and the vibrant traditions that AAPI individuals bring to the fabric of our communities. As we honor this important month, it's also an excellent moment to reflect on the #BetterTogether theme of recognizing our own self-worth. Each of us, regardless of background, has unique strengths and an intrinsic value that contributes positively to our communities and the world at large. Celebrating AAPI Heritage Month reminds us to appreciate not only the diversity around us but also the value within ourselves, fostering a deeper understanding and respect for all. For more information about Better Together, visit

Donate to MVEF!

MVEF is SO CLOSE to achieving the $1.2 million goal for 2023-24 - thanks to our wonderful community! With 97% raised and just $36k left to go, can you help us pass the finish line to fund the programs every single student in the district is benefiting from? Please donate!


May 21st (online only): 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, Zoom -- Online.

Join us online or in-person for a lively volunteer information event. Learn how you can become a mentor or tutor in the Mountain View and Los Altos public schools, and help a local student to a brighter future! To register go to  - or email us at [email protected].

MV Public Library: Summer Reading Program

The Mountain View Public Library’s free Summer Reading Program will run from May 25 - July 31, 2024. Everyone in the family can sign up for a summer of reading and rewards. Register at The Summer Reading Program kicks off with an all-ages extravaganza in the park on Saturday, June 1 from 2-4 p.m. at Pioneer Park. Enjoy music, lawn games and treats!

Medi-Cal Expansion

Medi-Cal helps you and your family stay healthy. Even if you’ve been denied for full Medi-Cal recently, you may be eligible now. Immigration status does not matter. Applying will not affect your immigration status. Learn more at

PTA News

Need your help to celebrate our 5th graders

Calling Kinder - 4th Families! It's a long-standing Landels tradition for K-4th families to pitch in with 5th grade celebrations. Please sign up! 5th grade families are welcome to sign up too.

·       Breakfast: The 5th grade Breakfast Potluck will be on Thurs, May 23. Let's say thank you and farewell with something yummy for their tummies. Sign-up here

·       Promotion Ceremony: We’ll need K-4th parent help so that 5th grade parents can enjoy the ceremony. Sign-up here

Donate your Landels Gear!

Do you have Landels clothes your child has outgrown? We are collecting Landels Gear to give to students. Collection box is in the front office. Clean clothes with the Landels logo only, not collecting general clothing at this time. Thank you!

PTA wants your feedback!

We welcome feedback, suggestions, and ideas to make next year even better than this one! 

·       Fill out our post-event survey for any event you attended this year

·       Fill out our funding survey to help us prioritize what to fund next year

·       Email Christina Wu Ly at [email protected]

Got ideas for next year?

Believe it or not, we are starting to think about community building events for the 2024-2025 school year. If you have ideas about what kind of family fun nights you would like to see, please reach out to Anna at [email protected]. All ideas are welcome!

Summer Play Dates

Mark your calendars for the three PTA-hosted summer play dates! All incoming and current families are invited.

·       Saturday, June 29, 2pm

·       Friday, July 19, 6pm

·       Sunday, August 11, 10am


MV Public Library: Summer Reading Program- Flyer

MV Public Library: Summer Reading Program- Kick-off

CSMA’s Young Musicians Summer Honors Program


May Lunch Menu

2023-2024 MVWSD Calendar

2024-2025 MVWSD Calendar

Summer Play Dates

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