Landels Latest 11.15.23

Important Dates to Remember

Nov 17      Report Cards sent home electronically

Nov 20-24 Thanksgiving Break – No school

Nov 27      iReady Diagnostic #2 Math Assessment

Nov 28      5:30-7pm Parent University Speaker Series: Understanding Your Child’s Score Reports – Registration Link

Nov 29      Picture retakes

Nov 29      iReady Diagnostic #2 Reading Assessment

Nov 30      6-7pmParent University – Effective Parent Teacher Communication - Zoom

Dec 4-8     Parent Teacher Conference Week – Minimum days all weekDismissal at 12:10pm

Dec 8        3:30-4:30pm Community Check-In – Zoom

Dec 11      3:15pm – 4:15pm School Site Council Meeting - Zoom

Dec 11-15 5th grade Walden West Science Camp        

Dec 19       4-6pm Winter Holiday Fair

Dec 25-Jan 8 Holiday Break - No School

Jan 9         Students return to school      

Roar Recognitions

Christopher B. – Room 13

Cody L. – Room 5

Gael Z. – Room 8

Hannah C. – Room 18

Incisu U. – Room 10

Julian C. – Room 1

Julissa R. – Room 12

June S. – Room 7

Logan K. – Room 16

Maddy H. – Room 17

Natalia A. – Room 14

Safa S. – Room 4

Sasha B. – Room 6

Shelby H. – Room 1

Simon K. – Room 9

Landels News

Dear Landels Families,

At Landels, we believe that every student, staff member and parent is a valuable member of our community. We do not tolerate bullying or unkind behavior and work through conflict by helping students understand the impact of their actions. You can help your child build and strengthen their empathy muscle by asking them how others might feel in various situations. Make sure to check out our Facebook or Instagram page to see some of the activities from United Against Hate Week, including the Random Acts of Crochet Kindness scavenger hunts! 

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher (Student) Conferences present a valuable opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and work with your teacher to help your child have a successful academic experience. Conference week is scheduled for December 4th-8th, 2023. Every day that week is a minimum day for students (dismissal at 12:10pm). Parents can choose to attend conferences virtually or in person. 

These past months, your child’s teacher has had the opportunity to get to know your child academically as well as socially-emotionally. Your child’s teacher has multiple data points available to better understand areas of strength and areas of need. In order to help parents make the most of their conference time, Landels is offering a Parent U Extension on effective parent-teacher communication. Please join us on November 30th @ 6pm to take a closer look at some of the data you’ll see during conferences and receive examples of questions you might want to ask. 

Your child’s teacher will be sending you information detailing the process for conference sign-ups through Calendly. Please contact the front office if you have any questions about conferences. 

Paw Prints

You may have noticed some new sidewalk art on your way to school. Ryan Chen is an Eagle scout and 10th grade student at Mountain View High. Ryan’s Eagle Scout troop developed a project proposal, raised funds for materials, and coordinated with the City to paint yellow and blue paw prints on the Safe Routes to School sidewalks that lead to Landels. Their project aims to encourage young students to walk and roll to school, making the route to school more fun and reducing the chances of young students getting lost.

Ryan’s troop plans to install paw prints on the sidewalks indicated on the map. Thank you to Ryan, his Eagle Scout troop and the City!

Creating outdoor greening and learning spaces

MVWSD is creating spaces at each school that will provide shade, plants and outdoor areas for learning and play. Come to the meeting to share your ideas about Landels campus.

Wednesday, November 29 at 5 PM. Click here for the zoom link.

Picture Retakes

School: Edith Landels Elementary School

Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Picture Day ID: EVT4GCRNG

Picture Retakes

If you ordered photos in October and would like your child to retake their picture, please have your child bring the original photos to their teacher on Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Short-Term Independent Studies

If you are planning on scheduling family vacations, please make every effort to schedule around our instructional calendar. You can also find minimum days outside our regularly scheduled early release Thursdays for scheduling appointments for your scholar.  If your plans include your child missing 3-14 days of school, please notify the front office to discuss a short-term independent studies contract to minimize the impact of missed school days.

Lost & Found

Is your child missing a sweater/jacket, lunch box or water bottle? Our lostandfound cart is overflowing with many items. Please take a moment after school or on the weekend to check out the lost & found cart located beside Room 6. All items not claimed by Friday, November 17th will be donated.


Thanksgiving Recess

There is no school from Nov. 20-24th for Thanksgiving Recess. We will resume classes on Monday, Nov. 27th. Wishing you a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving break!

The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, Nov. 16 at 6:00 p.m.

Some of the topics include:

·       Environmental Sustainability Advisory Council Progress and Green Scores Report

·       Universal PreKindergarten 

·       Organizational Meeting Discussion 

For meeting details and agenda, please click here:

Parent University Speaker Series: Understanding Your Child’s Score Reports

Date and Time: November 28, 2023, 5:30-7pm  Registration Link:

Understanding your child’s district and state test scores is key to building a foundation of excellence. Join Swati Dagar, our Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, as she discusses accessing and interpreting score reports and using the information to engage in a productive partnership with your child’s teacher(s).

To submit questions prior to the event, go to We will do our best to address your question during the session.

Better Together: November

This month’s theme for #BetterTogetherMVWSD is Empathy. Empathy is fundamental in promoting understanding, compassion, and unity among individuals and communities. It enables us to connect with others on a deeper level, to share their joys and sorrows, and to stand in their shoes, even when we may not fully comprehend their experiences. Recognizing United Against Hate Week is an important time of year as it underscores the need to combat discrimination, prejudice, and bigotry in all their forms. By participating in this initiative, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering a community where empathy is not just a concept but a guiding principle that helps us build a world where people of all backgrounds can coexist harmoniously, free from fear and hatred. Join us as we recognize United Against Hate Week with activities and programming taking place November 13-17th at all school sites. For more information about Better Together, visit

MVEF Update: Save us a Call

The amount donated to MVEF so far this year is slightly less than in previous years. MVEF volunteers will soon be reaching out directly to inform our community about the need for donations each year. You can save us a call by donating today! Visit today!

This year, community donations to MVEF are providing:

· More than 8,500 Art4Schools lessons in 130 TK-5th Grade classrooms.

· Over 17,000 Music4Schools lessons in 170 TK-5th Grade Classrooms. 

· Over 500 Living Classroom lessons for all students in TK-6th grade.

· Environmental Science lessons and field trips for all 4th and 5th graders.

· Additional English Language Arts teachers to reduce the average class size in grades 6-8.

· Supplemental funding for Performing Arts, Music, and Athletics Teams in grades 6-8.

When we achieve our fundraising goals, we can do even more for our students!

The View Teen Center: November

The View Teen Center is a free facility in Mountain View (263 Escuela Ave) for all Mountain View and Los Altos 6th - 12th grade students. Drop-in hours are Monday - Friday, 3:15 - 7 p.m. and Saturdays, 1 - 6 p.m. (on no school days or minimum days, The View Teen Center is open 1-6 p.m.), and the center features a game room, makerspace, kitchen, computer/study room, outdoor area, and much more! See attached flyer for details about upcoming events and programs in November or visit their webpage for more information.

MVHS Turkey Trot and Tree Lot

MVHS Sports Boosters will be hosting the 14th Annual Spartan Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning (Thursday, November 23rd) at Mountain View High School (3535 Truman Avenue). All proceeds benefit the MVHS athletics department. For more information about this event or to register for the 5K Walk/Run, Kids Run or Spartan Mile, visit

MVHS Sports Boosters will be opening up the Annual Spartans Tree Lot on Friday, November 24 at 10 AM for the 2023 season at the Mountain View High School Stadium (3535 Truman Ave.). Spartans Tree Lot offers premium, top-quality trees ranging in size from 3 feet to 12+ feet, holiday decorations, and supplies. In person and online delivery options are available. All proceeds benefit Mountain View High School Athletics. For more information, head to:

PTA News

After School Enrichment Classes

Registration info is available for January 2024 after school classes (Jan. 16th - Mar. 28th) on site at Landels, with more links coming Thursday 11/16 via Konstella. See Konstella announcements and front-of-school PTA billboard postings for a great lineup of classes!

Whether your child participated in a class or not, please help us to improve after school enrichment programming at Landels by filling out this short, 1-minute survey. Your feedback is completely anonymous:

Parent-led LEAP Classes during Conference Week

We’re organizing a few parent-led after school classes during Conference Week, 12/4-12/8. Topics include Watercolor, Entrepreneurship, and Chess. Students should sign up in the Office starting Monday, 11/27. See LEAP flyer for more details.

Winter Holiday Fair

Mark your calendars now!  Our annual Winter Holiday Fair is back and just over a month away - Tuesday Dec 19 from 4-6pm! This is a community event hosted by your PTA where students and families can sell their homemade crafts, art, jewelry, tasty treats, and more.  There will be musical entertainment, opportunities for holiday photos with Lanny and door prizes - basically everything your family needs to get into the spirit of the holidays, grab some last minute holiday gifts, and get ready for winter break.  

To be a vendor, please sign up for a table by December 15th at the latest, using our online form: or through the paper sign up sheet in the office. Most vendors will sell items priced between $.50 and $15. Being a vendor is a great way for your student to earn some extra money for the holiday season and try out running their own business.

Thanks to parent volunteers and the LEAP program, students will get a chance to learn how to plan and prepare for the holiday fair through an Entrepreneurship LEAP class coming in December!

Please reach out to [email protected] if you want to volunteer to help us plan this event or if you have questions about being a vendor. Watch Konstella for additional messaging about this event.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Landels Diwali celebration!

A huge thank you to the Diwali organizing committee:

· Decorations: Shalini Chander, Sharmila Reddy, Shilpa Trisal

· Activities: Shivika Nayyar, Mandakini and Rajaram Gaunker, Sridevi Sarkar

· Dance: Kavita Dave Coombe, Rachna Marolia, Punam Patel

· Food: Swetha Narayanappa, Monali Manohar

· Event Planner: Anna Botelho

Also a big thank you to all our day of volunteers, and the families who supported their children in performing in the show. Special congratulations to our emcees, Shreyas and Nalini, for their excellent announcements!

If you weren’t able to attend, you can view the Diwali performance, including our Landels dancers, here!

Want to try some dancing? Get in touch with our guest performers for more information about classes:

· Bharatanatyam classical dance, Abhinaya dance company of San Jose at

· Folk, classical, and Bollywood dance, Isha Patel at [email protected]

· Zumba dance fitness at

What’s next? Family Fun nights will continue in 2024 with Lunar New Year, a Movie Night, and a Latin dance party. If you want to get involved with any of these or have an idea for another cultural night, please contact [email protected]. The PTA is always looking for feedback, so if you have 30 seconds, please fill out our post-event survey here.


MVHS Tree Lot

MVHS Turkey Trot

The View Teen Center: November


Afterschool Enrichment Classes

November Lunch Menu

2023-24 School Calendar

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