It Takes a Village!
We always welcome parents who are interested in taking leadership roles at school. There are several ways to help define school policies and programs by getting more involved in the following school and district level organizations:
PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
Please see the PTA link for more info, or contact the Landels PTA president at [email protected].
School Site Council
Landels School Site Council (SSC) is a decision-making, leadership group comprised of the principal, teachers, classified staff, and parents/community. The SSC plays an important role in the continuous improvement of our students' education by its review, approval, and monitoring of the annual Landels Site Plan and of categorical monies that fund the plan. Members review and analyze students' performance, ask hard questions, participate in thoughtful discussions, and work on a team with staff and the principal. Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 3 pm and everyone is welcome to attend.
The English Learner Advisory Committee is a committee comprised of parents, staff, and community members specifically designated to advise school officials on English Learner program services. Click here to learn more about this important group.
Mountain View Educational Foundation

Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that works collaboratively with the community to raise funds for essential programs with a goal of ensuring a well-rounded education for all Mountain View Whisman School District students.

At Landels and the other elementary schools MVEF funds:
- Art classes taught by professional art educators from the Community School of Music and Arts, in a comprehensive, sequential curriculum that builds skills and art history knowledge
- Music lessons with dedicated music teachers from the Community School of Music and Arts, from nursery rhymes in TK to introducing instrumental music with recorders to instruction in a string or wind instrument in fifth grade
- Leadership workshops for fourth and fifth graders that help students develop goal-setting skills and build resilience and self-esteem
- Hands-on science resources and lessons to help teachers provide experiential learning
- Field trips and programs offered by organizations involved in the environmental education collaborative, such as Hidden Villa, Marine Science Institute, Environmental Docents and more
- Garden-based lessons that provide a multi-layered education in physical and life sciences, in understanding and caring for the natural world, and understanding the connection between growing plants and human society
MVEF also supports a variety of programs in the middle schools, including extended-day electives, afterschool sports, science labs, and a capstone environmental education trip for 8th graders.
State funding for schools barely covers the basics, and even in a strong economy, these critical programs would not be available to all without contributions from parents and interested community members.
We want to continue our commitment to every student, every school. MVEF asks every family to support our schools with a donation. Key donors give $1500, and many donors make a donation of $500 per student, but every donation counts. If you can't give the suggested donation of $500, please donate at a level that is comfortable for you—our goal is 100% participation and gifts at any level are truly appreciated. Learn more or donate online at