Landels Latest 4.26.23 (1)

Important Dates to Remember

April 24-28 PTA Bookfair - MUR

April 25-27 CAASPP Testing - grades 3-5 ELA

April 27     In Between Pages – Dress like your favorite character

April 28     CSMA Music Concerts grades K-4 – Students wear Landels or blue or white shirts

          Kindergarten: 10:20-10:40

          1st Grade: 10:45-11:05

          2nd Grade: 11:10-11:30

          3rd Grade: 11:45-12:05

          4th Grade: 12:10-12:30

Parents who come to watch will need to sign in at the office showing a valid driver's license or ID.

May 2        Parent University: High School Readiness 5:30 - 7:00 pm Registration

May 2-4     CAASPP Testing - grades 3-5 Math

May 5        Spirit Day: Plushie Day - bring in your favorite stuffed animal

May 8-12   Teacher & Staff Appreciation 

May 9-10   CAST Testing grade - 5 Science

May 10     PTA Meeting, 8:30am - Staff Room

May 16     iReady Testing – Math

May 17     Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast 7:30am - MUR

May 18     iReady Testing - ELA

May 18    5th grade CSMA music concert 11am - MUR

May 25    Principals Coffee/ELAC 8:30am - Staff Room

May 26    Last day of 3rd trimester (minimum day)

May 29    Memorial Day (no school)

June 5     5th grade promotion ceremony 3pm - MUR

June 6     Last day of school (minimum day)

Aug 9      First day of school for 2023-24 

Roar Recognitions

Adam A. - Room 4

Aisling O. - Room 17

Allison M. - Room 2

Aviva F. - Room 13

Cooper K. Room 7

Etka O. - Room 14

Josephine T. – Room 3

Leonardo M. - Room 1

Mathew I. – Room 11

Rylan T. – Room 8

Nima A. - Room 13

Scarlett P. – Room 6

Sofia F. - Room 2

Landels News

Dear Landels Families,

We have almost completed our first week of testing and things are going smoothly - our students are showing up and trying their best. I’m proud of them!

The temperature reached 87 degrees today and is expected to be even higher tomorrow. Please remember to send students with a full water bottle and encourage them to stay hydrated throughout the day. Students are also encouraged to wear a hat or sunscreen when in the sun for longer periods of time. 

A few reminders as we near the end of the school year:

-Parents must remain off campus during school hours (8:15am-3pm) unless they have signed in at the office and are volunteering for a specific purpose. 

-All our frequent volunteers are fingerprinted. If you are interested in volunteering, please see the information below for more details.

CSMA Concerts

Our students are excited to perform for you! As a culmination of their weekly music lessons provided by Community School of Music and Art (CSMA), students will hold short concerts this Friday. Plan ahead! In order to view these performances, visitors will need to sign in the office with their picture IDs.

K-4 Music Concerts on 4/28

K - 10:20 - 10:40

1st - 10:45 - 11:05

2nd - 11:10 - 11:30

3rd - 11:45 - 12:05

4th - 12:10 - 12:30

5th Grade Music Concerts on 5/18 @ 11:10am

Science Night on 5/16 @ 5:30pm

We will be holding another family science night on May 16th from 5:30pm-6:30pm. We will have a taco truck selling food starting at 5pm. Please complete this survey if you would like your family to participate. Each family will receive 1 science kit. We only have 160 science kits so participation will be limited to the first 160 respondents. Hope to see you there!

Class Placement

In the upcoming weeks, the Landels teachers and I will be collaborating to create class lists for the next school year. Decisions we make with regard to your child’s future placement reflect our best professional judgment as to where they will be the most successful. When grouping students, we strive to create a positive learning environment for all students and consider many factors, including academics and special needs. If there is additional information that you feel would be helpful for us to know, please fill out this survey by May 12th. Please note that we are NOT accepting requests for specific teachers.

Thank you to our many volunteers

Each year we ask for volunteers to support the many programs and special events in our school. And at the end of the year we are amazed at the number of volunteers and the number of hours Landels parents contribute to making things happen!

We would like to recognize our volunteers at the Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on Wednesday, May 17th from 7:30-8:15am in the MUR. All volunteers are invited. Please see attached invitation.

Thank you!

Pieter Dolmans

Badge process for regular volunteers ( explains the designations of “regular” and “infrequent”)

   * The regular volunteer badge process for the next school year starts on May 12.
   * All regular volunteers planning to continue will have to complete the badge process for next year, whether they are new or renewing. This year’s badges won’t work next year, and schools will be collecting old badges at the end of the school year. Note: Renewing volunteers likely will not need new fingerprint checks or TB testing.
   * No badges will be issued for 2023-24 until August at the first in-person required annual mandated reporter and abuse training (in compliance with AB 506).

How to Apply to be a Regular Volunteer Next Year. Start collecting documents now to avoid delays at the beginning of the school year. For all of the details and documentation required, please see Please do not apply for next year's badge before May 12.

If you have never had a badge before, please read the finger printing fact sheet and then ask your principal for the fingerprint request form after May 12. After you complete the form, your school will give you the link to the Raptor volunteer application.

If you want to renew your volunteer badge, after May 12 ask your school for the link to the Raptor volunteer application. TB tests are good for 3 years, although you will still need to upload proof in the online application. Fingerprint checks are good for a few years. In the online application, you will provide the last school year you completed a check or the ATI number.

Training: All regular volunteers will be required to complete the annual mandated reporter and abuse training in compliance with AB 506 before receiving a badge. After applying, applicants will receive a confirmation email with the link to sign up for the next training session. At the training session, those with completed applications will receive their badges.

Thank you for adhering to this process which is vitally important to protect our students' safety and to ensure MVWSD complies with state law.

Thank you to our many volunteers

Each year we ask for volunteers to support the many programs and special events in our school. And at the end of the year we are amazed at the number of volunteers and the number of hours Landels parents contribute to making things happen!! 

We would like to recognize our volunteers at the volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on Wednesday, May 17 at 7:30am in the MUR. All volunteers are invited. Please see attached


In Between Pages – Essay Contest

Thank you to all the students that participated in our Essay Contest! Here are the winners of a $20 voucher for our Scholastic Bookfair.  Congratulations!

Kinder: Yiyao

1st grade: June S.

2nd grade: Lola and Bariyan

3rd grade: Priyanka

4th grade: Maya H.

5th grade: Youngseo and Nikhil

We can’t wait to see our students dressed up as their favorite book character tomorrow Thursday 4/26!


Discuss the classes below with your student and have him/her sign up in the office if interested.

Paper-Making (Grade 5 only, max 8 students)
Tuesdays, May2 and May9, 3-4:30pm, Room 9

Make sheets of paper out of plant material, including banana peels and corn husks!

Beginner Art (Grades K-2, max 20 students)
Monday, Apr24;  Tuesday, Apr25;  Monday, May1;  3-3:45pm, Room 16

Tap into your creativity with a fun-filled art program that teaches drawing and painting skills, learning along the way how important water is to us all.

Dolphin Tank (Grades 1-5, max 16 students)
Friday, May5, 3-4pm, Room 16

Come up with a great business idea and win one of four $25 gift cards to launch it!

- Sign-ups open Thurs, Apr27


Parent University: High School Readiness

Date and Time: May 2, 2023, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Registration Link:

Do you have a child who is about to enter high school? Join us at our final Parent University session of the year to learn about high school campus life from students and staff at Los Altos High School and Mountain View High School. You and your child will hear tips from the experts about how to make the transition as smooth as possible and get the most out of your high school experience. You do not want to miss out! 

To submit questions prior to the event, go to We will do our best to address your question during the session.

Senior Citizens/SSI recipients: Apply now for tax exemption!
Homeowners aged 65 or older, and residents who qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)/ Social Security and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) may be eligible for an exemption for their principal residence from Measure B/the parcel tax. For application and details, visit

Free and low cost summer programs

Summer is around the corner, so it’s time to explore ways to keep your children engaged when school ends! Check out InPlayKid’s free online search service sponsored by Santa Clara County and our school district. You’ll find thousands of local and affordable programs that will challenge, inspire, and entertain your children to minimize summer brain drain.


MVEF Gala Raffle Tickets are now on sale! Need not be present to win. Click the link below to view raffle items. Email [email protected] to purchase raffle tickets.

MVEF still needs to raise an additional $220k to achieve the goal of $1.2MM by June 30, 2023. If you haven't made a donation yet during the current school year, please donate ASAP to help your school site achieve the goal to get an average of 10 new donors per school by April 15!  Donations of any amount are meaningful in helping to reach the goal!  Click here to see ways to donate. 

District Chess Tournament Registration Open

The 20th Annual MVWSD Interscholastic Chess Tournament, generously sponsored by the Bubb PTA, will be held on Sunday, April 30th, from 11:30am to 5:30pm at Bubb Elementary. Students from all MVWSD schools are welcome to join and enjoy an afternoon of friendly competition and camaraderie! The registration form and instructions can be found at, and the deadline for registration is April 29. Any questions can be sent to Jonas Klittmark, tournament director, at [email protected].

Health and Wellness Parenting tip: Autism Awareness Month

In honor of Autism Awareness Month, we must understand and bond with our children to maintain a close connection. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that starts early in life. It affects social communication and interaction and is accompanied by repeating and narrow patterns of behavior or interests. As parents, we are a part of our child’s treatment. 

To learn more parenting tips, click here

Here are some ASD signs to look for: 

1.     Mobility. Examples of mobility can include but are not limited to, using only a few gestures (waving, clapping, pointing), unusual ways of moving the hands, fingers, or whole body, and rituals such as repeating things over and over or lining up objects.

2.     Sensory Sensitivity. Sensory sensitivity includes, but is not limited to, delayed speech, not responding when someone calls their name, being very focused or attached to unusual objects, and unique sensory interests

3.     Interpersonal difficulties. Interpersonal difficulties can include avoiding eye contact, not sharing enjoyment or interests with others, little to no imitating others or pretending, forming friendships, and not knowing how to act in different social situations

No two people with ASD have the same signs and symptoms. Many things, such as language delays, thinking and learning problems, and behavioral challenges, can play a role. For this reason, autism is described as a "spectrum."

These tips came directly from the free online website of Nemours Children’s Health, reviewed by Dr.Treadwell-Deering, MD. 

To view more resources on parenting and other topics, click here.

PTA News

Multicultural Festival Wrap Up

I'd like to publicly thank our MCF volunteers and table hosts for the efforts they put in to create such a wonderful experience for our community last Thursday.  I speak on behalf of the entire PTA leadership team when I share that we were all just blown away by your talent, pride, and willingness to share your time, culture and experiences with our school community.  The open communication and storytelling through the sharing of art, history, sport, food, clothing, and sharing of language are what pull us together as a community.

Thank you also to everyone that came out to the event! Your attendance at community building opportunities demonstrates your willingness to learn and your love for the diversity of our school.

With gratitude,

Sam Perkins, PTA President

Walk and Roll

Thanks to everyone who contributed to a great Walk & Roll event last Friday, our first since before the pandemic! We handed out stickers to 97 walkers, bikers, and kids on scooters, plus more in the YMCA and Right at School programs. That’s about 25% of our school population!

Our next Walk and Roll will be May 19, which coincides with Bike to Wherever Days (the new expanded version of Bike to Work Day). Let’s see if we can get even more of our students out of the car and heading home under their own power.

We could use another couple of volunteers to hand out stickers. If you’d like to help, please contact [email protected] or sign up here.

Book Fair

Students have been previewing the Spring Book Fair with their class this week in the MUR and have received a free book of their choice (up to $13) sponsored by PTA. We are also limiting purchases to after school and encourage you to make this a family visit.

Shopping hours 

·       Wed 4/26: 2:55 pm - 6 pm

·       Thu 4/27: 12:10 pm - 1:15 pm

·       Fri 4/28: 2:55 pm - 4:15 pm

·       Online shopping with free shipping available over $25 at until May 7!

Every purchase supports Landels, and proceeds are used to fund the school library, classroom libraries, and the free books for each student.


April Lunch Menu

May Lunch Menu

2023-24 School Calendar

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast

The View Teen Center eNewsletter - April Events

Free and low cost summer programs - InPlay

Landels PTA Meeting Schedule 2022/2023

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